Bridger Butler Subdivision

2843 S 4700 W, Taylor, UT, 84401
Project Type:
Sub Type:
Created By:
Created On:
Project Status:
Status Date:
File Number:
Project Manager


This is a preliminary subdivsion to create 4 parcels.

For full description, see project narrative.

Property Address
2843 S 4700 W
Taylor, UT, 84401

Property Owner




Taylor West Weber Water
Taylor West Weber

Parcel Number
150860030 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Annexation Plat
Cost Estimate
Culinary Water Will-Serve
Revision Butler 2 final.pdf 9/22/2022
Revision MX-4070V_20210113_095126.pdf 1/13/2021
Engineered Plans
Revision 2020.10.29_Bridger.Butler_Civil.pdf 1/14/2021
Revision Bridger Butler 2020.09.04.pdf 9/9/2020
Revision Bridger Butler 2020.08.26.pdf 9/9/2020
Revision Bridger Butler 2020.08.24.pdf 8/24/2020
Final Recorded Plat
Geologic Hazards Evaluation
Geotechnical Evaluation
Notice of Decision
Revision 091520_Bridger Butler Subdivision - Notice of Decision_Final Approval.pdf 9/17/2020
Open Space Preservation Plan
Revision Revised Title report-.pdf 10/6/2022
Revision 106917 - Quit Claim Deed.pdf 10/6/2022
Revision 20200909_1st Redline_Butler Subdivision_6N2W32NW_comment response.pdf 10/6/2022
Revision Bridger Butler Final Plat 10-4-22.pdf 10/6/2022
Revision UDOT 55' half width.pdf 10/6/2022
Revision Temp Turn Around Easement.pdf 9/16/2022
Revision EXECUTED_LVB112219_Notice of Time Extension for Final Subdivision Approval.pdf 9/14/2021
Revision 2020-WWPC_Sep_15_.pdf 8/6/2021
Revision 2020-WWPC_Sep_15.pdf 9/10/2020
Revision 20-041 (100917) (Butler Subdivision) UDOT Approved.pdf 8/21/2020
Revision Butler UDOT Approval.pdf 8/21/2020
Revision UPL LEtter.pdf 4/23/2020
Revision Bridger Butler Boundary line narratives.pdf 2/14/2020
Review DWQ-2018-006549_CGP.docx 12/10/2019
Review Stormwater_Construction_Activity_Permit.pdf 12/10/2019
Review 20191125_1st_Redline_Butler_Subdivision_6N2W32NW_.pdf 12/5/2019
Review 20191125_Butler_Subdivision_Addressing_First_Review1.pdf 12/5/2019
Review 20191125_Butler_Subdivision_Addressing_First_Review1.pdf 12/5/2019
Review Planning_Review_1_Butler_Subdivision_Preliminary_Plat.pdf 12/4/2019
Original Butler_Subdivision_Preliminary_Plat.pdf 11/25/2019
Original Wastewater_Site__Soil_Evaluation.pdf 11/25/2019
Original Taylor_West_Weber_-_Will_Serve_Letter.pdf 11/25/2019
Original Butler_application_and_receipt.pdf 11/25/2019
Preapplication Meeting Notes
Proposed Final Plat
Revision 2022.10.12 Bridger Butler Final Plat.pdf 10/12/2022
Revision Bridger Butler Subdivision.pdf 9/16/2022
Revision Bridger Butler Final Plat_09092020.pdf 9/10/2020
Proposed Preliminary Plan
Revision Bridger Butler Subdivsion_Prelim_05052020.pdf 5/5/2020
Public Street Connectivity Plan
Response to Review Agencies
Secondary Water Will-Serve
Revision Butler Subd Final Will Serve Feb 2021.pdf 2/22/2021
Revision Butler Subd Preliminary Will Serve Feb 2020_Hooper Irrigation.pdf 2/14/2020
Septic Feasibility
Revision Butler Sub prelim LOF.pdf 3/25/2020
Original Soil__Percolation.pdf 11/25/2019
Sewer Will-Serve
Staff Report
Revision Staff Report_FINAL_Bridger Butler Subdivision_Final+Exhibits.pdf 9/10/2020
Time Extension
Title Report
Original Title_Report.pdf 11/25/2019
Traffic Study/Plan
Well Approval
Uncategorized Documents
Review 20221006_1st Redline Revised_Butler Subdivision_6N2W32NW .pdf 10/12/2022
Review 20221012_2nd Redline Revised_Butler Subdivision_6N2W32NW .pdf 10/12/2022
Review Stormwater_Construction_Activity_Permit.pdf 10/29/2020
Review 20200909_1st Redline_Butler Subdivision_6N2W32NW .pdf 9/28/2020
Review SWPPP Sample.pdf 9/28/2020
Review 20191125_Butler Subdivision_Addressing_First_Review1.pdf 9/9/2020
Review Bridger Butler Boundary line narratives.pdf 2/14/2020


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

Scott Perkes - 9/14/2021

This project was granted a one-time extension on the recording of the final plat. Please see the Notice of Time Extension Approval that has been uploaded to the Documents tab. This extension was granted on 9/14/2021 for the duration of one year. All remaining conditions of approval will need to be resolved and the final plat will need to be recorded by no later than 9/14/2022 or past preliminary and final approvals will become void.

Scott Perkes - 2/22/2021

The applicant has submitted a final approval letter from Hooper Irrigation for the installation of the secondary water system. This approval letter has been uploaded to the Documents tab.

Scott Perkes - 1/14/2021

The applicant has submitted an updated set of improvement plans (dated 10/29/2020). Engineering - Please review these plans for compliance with your last set of comments.

Scott Perkes - 9/17/2020

This project received final Planning Commission approval during the 9/15 Western Weber Planning Commission meeting. A formal Notice of Decision will be uploaded to the Documents tab shortly.

Scott Perkes - 9/10/2020

An updated final plat has been uploaded ot the Documents tab. This file has the file name of "Bridger Butler Final Plat_09092020". This copy addresses Addressing's final comment to have the street labeled as "2875 S.". The staff report and meeting agenda for the 9/15 WWPC meeting will be uploaded shortly.

Scott Perkes - 9/9/2020

Updated improvement plans have been uploaded to show compliance with the latest fire marshal comments. The file name for this document is "Bridger Butler 2020-09-04" and supersedes the recently uploaded file named "Bridger Butler 2020.08.26".

Scott Perkes - 9/9/2020

A proposed final plat has been uploaded to the Documents tab. All review agencies please review this plat for compliance with any remaining comments/conditions.

Scott Perkes - 9/1/2020
A slightly modified improvement plan document has been uploaded for engineering and fire review. The file name for this document is "Bridger Butler 2020-08-26" and supersedes the recently uploaded file named "Bridger Butler 2020.08.24".
Ryan Rogers - 8/24/2020
Before final approval of the subdivision Taylor West Weber Water must receive payment for culinary water rights for each lot (.45acre ft,). Plan review fees must also be paid. Impact fees may be paid after the subdivision is approved but must be paid before building permits are issued.
Scott Perkes - 8/24/2020
The applicant has submitted improvement plans for engineering review and approval. See documents tab for the following file name: "Bridger Butler 2020.08.24"
Scott Perkes - 8/24/2020
The applicant has submitted a UDOT approval letter and permit for access off of 4700 W. These documents have been uploaded to the Documents tab.
Scott Perkes - 8/24/2020
This application was reviewed and approved for alternative access and preliminary subdivision approval during the May 12th, 2020 Admin Review Meeting. The applicant is working on finalizing conditions prior to submitting for final approval.
Scott Perkes - 2/18/2020
This project is continuing to explore alignment options for the new roadway. Additionally, the Health Department is requiring a new test pit be dug and analyzed prior to the issuance of an updated septic feasibility letter. With these two ongoing items, the project will not be on the March 10th agenda, but will look forward to the April or May agendas. Please hold reviews until an updated plat has been uploaded with a potential new alignment of the roadway.
Scott Perkes - 2/14/2020
As an FYI to all review agencies, the applicant is working with the Planning Division on potential realignment options for the access roadway to allow for greater front yard setbacks for the existing structures on the proposed lot #1 of the subdivision. This project is tentatively scheduled for the March 10th WWPC agenda for preliminary review. Keep eyes open for an updated plat in the near future depicting a potential realignment scenario for the roadway.
Account Old - 12/4/2019
As an FYI to both Taylor West Weber Water and Hooper Irrigation, the Planning Division's review has shown that the proposed private street is required to be a public street Per LUC 106-2-2. This Planning review comment may change the comments listed within the Taylor West Weber Water and Hooper Irrigation review comments regarding the private road.
Ryan Rogers - 11/25/2019
Because this is designated a private road the developer must dedicate a public utility right of way for Taylor West Weber Water to maintian the water line. The utility easment must be recorded with the county with proper wording and signed by the Water District.
Karl Sewell - 11/25/2019
RMP - Line extension to new lots will be in accordance with the current tariff and regulations. PUE's required on new lots.
Greg Seegmiller - 11/25/2019
The developer must make application to Hooper Irrigation Co and pay the review fees for additional review and comment on thee plans. Also confirmation of available water shares must be made prior to any preliminary approval from Hooper Irrigation. The following changes need to be made to the plans: 1. 3.5 shares are required to be allocated to Hooper Irrigation Company for the development approval. The three shares are for lots 1-4 based on acreage plus ½ share for the detention basin. 2. Show irrigation main sizes, locations, and connections on full set of plans (including plan and profile sheets). 3. If subdivision will include a private road, one meter should be installed in the public R.O.W. to provide access for Hooper Irrigation Company. Developer should submit calculations for required meter size. Company Engineer will approve calculations. Meter size should match private road mainline size. Hooper Irrigation Company will not maintain the pipe within the private street. 4. The developer must meet with the Hooper Irrigation Board (1st Monday each month). 5. An assigned board member must visit the site to review ditches. Plans must be completed; all review and access fees must be paid; and shares received prior to final approval of the development. Please let us know if you have any questions.


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

List of All Reviews

Survey 2nd Final Review


Weber County Surveyor's Office Darrel Woodruff 10/12/2022
Survey 1st Final Review Revised

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Darrel Woodruff 10/12/2022
Engineering Review


Weber County Engineering Tucker Weight 9/21/2022
Engineering Review

Not Approved

Weber County Engineering Tucker Weight 10/29/2020
Survey 1st final review

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Darrel Woodruff 9/28/2020
Engineering Review

Not Approved

Weber County Engineering Tucker Weight 9/28/2020
Addressing Review #3


Weber County Surveyor's Office Brett Badley 9/10/2020
Addressing Review #2

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Brett Badley 9/9/2020
Planning Review #2

Recommend Approval with Conditions

Weber County Planning Scott Perkes 9/9/2020
Engineering Review

Not Approved

Weber County Engineering Tucker Weight 5/22/2020
Ryan Rogers

Not Approved

Public Ryan Rogers 4/15/2020
Engineering Review

Not Approved

Weber County Engineering Tucker Weight 12/10/2019
Peliminary Survey Review

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Darrel Woodruff 2/14/2020
Planning Division Review 1

Not Approved

Public Account Old 12/4/2019
Addressing review

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Brett Badley 12/4/2019
Weber Fire District


Weber Fire District David Reed Weber Fire District 7/14/2022


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
Tammy Aydelotte 7/28/2022
Brett Badley 1/1/0001
Lisa Butler 1/1/0001
Account Old 1/1/0001
Scott Perkes 1/8/2020
Emilee Roche 1/1/0001
Ryan Rogers 1/1/0001
David Reed Weber Fire District 1/1/0001
Tucker Weight 1/1/0001
Darrel Woodruff 1/1/0001


List of all invoices tied to project.

Area Fees

List of estimated fees for this project.

Estimated Fee Total: $0