Silver Summit Estates Subdivision

9096 East 1300 South, Huntsville, UT, 84317
Project Type:
Sub Type:
Created By:
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Project Status:
Status Date:
File Number:
Project Manager


Property Address
9096 East 1300 South
Huntsville, UT, 84317

Property Owner





Parcel Number
210350080 - County Map
210350079 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Annexation Plat
Cost Estimate
Culinary Water Will-Serve
Engineered Plans
Final Recorded Plat
Geologic Hazards Evaluation
Geotechnical Evaluation
Notice of Decision
Open Space Preservation Plan
Review Reeves_Silver_Summit_Estates_Final_review.pdf 5/13/2014
Review Reeve_Silver_Summit_Estates_3rd_review.pdf 5/8/2014
Original swcap.pdf 5/7/2014
Original Silver_Summit_Plat.pdf 5/7/2014
Original Silver_Summit-2.pdf 5/7/2014
Original SilverImp-1.pdf 5/7/2014
Original Response_5-6-14.pdf 5/7/2014
Review Owners_Dedication--Turnaround.docx 4/3/2014
Review Reeves_Silver_Summit_Estates_2nd_review.pdf 4/3/2014
Original Notice_of_Decision_final_approval_UVS11-04-2013_Matt_Lowe.docx 3/26/2014
Original Staff_Report_final_approval_Silver_Summit_Estates_OVPC_3-25-14.pdf 3/13/2014
Original Revised_FINAL_PLAT.pdf 3/7/2014
Original SWPPP_3-5-14.pdf 3/5/2014
Original SilverImp.pdf 3/5/2014
Original Silver_Summit.pdf 3/5/2014
Original comment_response_letter_3-5-14.pdf 3/5/2014
Review Stormwater_Construction_Activity_Permit.pdf 2/25/2014
Original Water_Certificate_Silver_Summit_Estates.pdf 12/24/2013
Original Notice_of_Decision_Preliminary_UVS11-04-2013_Matt_Lowe.pdf 12/20/2013
Original Weber_Pathways_Review_Silver_Summit_and_Powder_Ranch.pdf 12/12/2013
Review Stormwater_Construction_Activity_Permit.pdf 12/2/2013
Original comment_response_letter.pdf 11/27/2013
Original 11-27-13_preliminary_submittal.pdf 11/27/2013
Review UVS1104313_Plat_Map--_WEBER_FIRE_DISTRICT_REVIEWED.pdf 11/14/2013
Review SPR-_Silver_Summit_Estates_9096_E_1300_S_Huntsville.pdf 11/14/2013
Original UVS110413_Silver_Summit_Estates_Subdivision_Application.pdf 11/4/2013
Original UVS110413_Silver_Summit_Estates_Sub_septic_feasibility_letter.pdf 11/4/2013
Original UVS110413_Silver_Summit_Estates_Title_Insurance.pdf 11/4/2013
Original UVS1104313_Plat_Map.pdf 11/4/2013
Preapplication Meeting Notes
Proposed Final Plat
Proposed Preliminary Plan
Public Street Connectivity Plan
Response to Review Agencies
Secondary Water Will-Serve
Septic Feasibility
Sewer Will-Serve
Staff Report
Time Extension
Title Report
Traffic Study/Plan
Well Approval
Uncategorized Documents


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

N/A - 8/8/2014
Pre-construction meeting has been scheduled for Monday August 11, 2014
Jim Gentry - 5/21/2014
On May 20, 2014 The County Commission granted final approval of the Silver Summit Estates Subdivision, consisting of 13 lots and the acceptance of a financial guarantee of $243,323.30 for subdivision improvements and a Monumentation escrow of $4200.00. The Subdivision plat was recorded in the Recorders office on May 21, 2014.
Jack Haight - 5/14/2014
This office pending any concerns from the other review agencies has released for the printing of the Mylar's. 5/13/2014
Jack Haight - 5/8/2014
This office has completed its 3rd review of this subdivision. A redlined PDF has been emailed to Reeves. A Monument Escrow Agreement for 6 monuments is required prior to this office signing off on the subdivision.
Jack Haight - 4/3/2014
This office has completed its 2nd review of this subdivision. A redlined PDF file has been emailed to Chris at Reeves. Lots 6-10 need to be evaluated through engineering as to whether they are to be classified as "R" lots due to the flood plane. Also Lots 11 & 12 due to the turnaround
Jim Gentry - 3/7/2014
The plat amended now shows lot 10 with 3 acres
Jack Haight - 1/28/2014
This office has completed its preliminary review of this subdivision.
Scott Mendoza - 12/9/2013
Preliminary planning review complete. Staff report packet prepared and submitted for OVPC agenda on 12-17-2013. Packet sent to applicant and consulting surveyor/engineer. Notices sent to neighbors.
Scott Slater - 11/7/2013
QGC serves 9096 East with a remote set. A private service line provides Lot 2 service through Lot 1. QGC will require a review of this meter set with a possible abandonment or relocation per the current tariff and policies. QGC with serve this subdivision with a main extension per QGC tariff and policies.
Karl Sewell - 11/5/2013
RMP has power on the south side of 1300 South. Line extension will be in accordance with current tariff and regulations.
Sue Morgan - 11/4/2013
All students are eligible for busing Current stops for all are on 1300 S.


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

List of All Reviews

Environmental Health Septic


Weber-Morgan Health Department Summer Day 5/15/2014
Environmental Health Septic

Not Approved

Weber-Morgan Health Department Summer Day 5/14/2014
Survey Review_final


Jack Haight 5/13/2014
Survey Review_3rd review

Not Approved

Jack Haight 5/8/2014
Engineering Review 5

Not Approved

N/A N/A 5/8/2014
Property Taxes


Carolyn Laird 4/23/2014
Survey Review_2nd review

Not Approved

Jack Haight 4/3/2014
Engineering Review 4

Not Approved

N/A N/A 3/7/2014
Engineering Review 3

Not Approved

N/A N/A 2/25/2014
Survey Preliminary Review

Not Approved

Jack Haight 1/28/2014
Property Taxes

Not Approved

Carolyn Laird 1/24/2014
Planning Review 1


Weber County Community Development Scott Mendoza 12/9/2013
Engineering Review 2

Not Approved

N/A N/A 12/2/2013
Weber Fire District Review


N/A N/A 11/14/2013
Engineering Review 1

Not Approved

N/A N/A 11/7/2013


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
Nick Anderson 1/1/0001
chris cave 1/1/0001
Summer Day 1/1/0001
Jim Gentry 1/1/0001
Jack Haight 1/1/0001
Blake Johnson 10/26/2020
Carolyn Laird 1/1/0001
Matthew Lowe 1/1/0001
Michelle McReynolds 1/1/0001
Scott Mendoza 1/1/0001
Chad Meyerhoffer 1/1/0001
Kary Serrano 1/1/0001


List of all invoices tied to project.

Area Fees

List of estimated fees for this project.

Estimated Fee Total: $0