Terakee Village PRUD

4700 W 900 S, West Weber, UT, 84401
Project Type:
Conditional Use Permits
Sub Type:
Conditional Use Permits
Created By:
Created On:
Project Status:
Status Date:
File Number:
CUP 2017-02
Project Manager


Terakee Village PRUD is a Planned Residential Unit Development consisting of 81 residential units with 21 ADUs, a lot for an assisted living center, and a lot for the Private/Charter school.  Culinary Water will be provided by Taylor West Weber.  Sewer will be provided by Central West Weber Sewer.

Property Address
4700 W 900 S
West Weber, UT, 84401

Property Owner




Taylor West Weber Water
Central Weber Sewer District

Parcel Number
155150002 - County Map
155150001 - County Map
150480037 - County Map
150590026 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Building renderings
Easement documents
Engineered Plans
Geologic hazards study
Geotechnical report
Landscaping Plan
Notice of decision
Revision expiration letter.pdf 7/19/2022
Original Secondary_Water_Pond_Location.pdf 7/19/2019
Original Amended_CUP_application.pdf 7/19/2019
Review 5-16-17_Terakee_Village_Conditional_Use_Permit_signed.pdf 5/16/2017
Original 5-16-17_Terakee_Village_Conditional_Use_Permit_signed.pdf 5/16/2017
Review 4-20-17_Terakee_Village_PRUD-CUP_Decision_Letter.pdf 4/21/2017
Review 4-11-17_CC_Staff_Report_Terakee_Village.pdf 4/4/2017
Original 3-3-17_Terakee_Village_-_Phase_2.pdf 3/3/2017
Original 2-24-17_Page_7_Terakee_Village_Landscape_and_Lighting_Plan_02232017.pdf 2/24/2017
Original 2-24-17_Page_3a_Terakee_Village_Images.pdf 2/24/2017
Original 2-24-17_Page_1_Terakee_Village_Overall_Development_Plan_02242017.pdf 2/24/2017
Review Page_1_Terakee_Village_Overall_Development_Plan_Engineering_Review_Feb2017.pdf 2/9/2017
Review SUB-_Terakee_Village_PRUD_4700_W_900_S.pdf 2/4/2017
Original Terakee_Village_Conditional_Use_Permit_Application.docx 1/27/2017
Original Page_1_Terakee_Village_Overall_Development_Plan.pdf 1/25/2017
Original Page_6_Terakee_Village_ROW_Drawing.pdf 1/24/2017
Original Central_Weber_Sewer_District_Feasibility_Letter.pdf 1/24/2017
Original Taylor_West_Weber_Water_Feasibility_Letter.pdf 1/24/2017
Original Page_4_Terakee_Village_Architectural_Sketches.pdf 1/24/2017
Original Page_5_Terakee_Village_Setback_Drawing.pdf 1/24/2017
Original Page_3_Terakee_Village_Images.pdf 1/24/2017
Original Page_2_Terakee_Village_Images.pdf 1/24/2017
Original What_is_Terakee_Farm.pdf 1/24/2017
Original Page_7_Terakee_Village_Landscape_and_Lighting_Plan.pdf 1/24/2017
Original Terakee_Village_Narrative.docx 1/24/2017
Permits issued
Planning staff report
Signage Plan
Site Plan
Time Extension
Water and Wastewater Plan
Uncategorized Documents


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

N/A - 4/5/2017
To Owners of Property within 500 feet of Property Located at Approximately 4700 W 900 S Ogden, UT The Weber County Planning Division has received a conditional use request for Terakee Village, a Planned Residential Unit Development, consisting of 92 residential units, one lot for an assisted living center and one lot for a Private/Charter School for a total of 94 units. The application will be heard during an open and public meeting by the Weber County Commission. The meeting will be held in the Weber County Commission Chambers (1st floor, Weber Center [2380 Washington Blvd, Ogden Utah]) on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 10:00 am. Meeting date and time is subject to change. Please call to confirm the meeting time and schedule at 801-399-8791.
Scott Slater - 4/3/2017
QGC - Main extension will be required per tariff.
Karl Sewell - 1/25/2017
RMP - Line extension to development will be in accordance with the current tariff and regulations.


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

Notice of Decision from Weber County Commission


N/A N/A 5/16/2017
Planning Division Staff Report to the County Commission


N/A N/A 4/21/2017
Notice of Decision Western Weber Planning Commission


N/A N/A 3/21/2017
Planning Division Staff Report to Planning Commission


N/A N/A 3/21/2017


Weber County Engineering Chad Meyerhoffer 2/9/2017
Weber Fire District Comments- Conditional Use Permit


N/A N/A 2/4/2017
Property Taxes

Not Approved

Shirley Robinson 9/19/2022


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
Tammy Aydelotte 1/1/0001
Brad Blanch 1/1/0001
Steve Burton 1/1/0001
Gary Hancock 1/1/0001
Brent Hipwell 7/11/2020
Andy Hubbard 1/1/0001
Stuart Jensen 1/1/0001
Cathy McKitrick 1/1/0001
Chad Meyerhoffer 1/1/0001
Matthew Peterson 1/1/0001
Jessica Prestwich 8/2/2022
Shirley Robinson 1/1/0001
Debie Stewart 1/1/0001
Mark Whaley 1/1/0001


List of all invoices tied to project.