Vaquero Village 1st Amendment Cluster Subdivision

7110 W 900 S, Ogden, UT, 84401
Project Type:
Sub Type:
Created By:
Created On:
Project Status:
Status Date:
File Number:
2020 LVV0214
Project Manager


Vaquero Village

Property Address
7110 W 900 S
Ogden, UT, 84401

Property Owner
Pat Burns



Vaquero Village
3 lots
West Warren-Warren Water and Sewer
Warren Irrigation Company
Health Department (Septic)

Parcel Number
101650014 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Annexation Plat
Original APP, RECEIPT.pdf 2/14/2020
Cost Estimate
Culinary Water Will-Serve
Original Will Serve Letters 30 lots Vaquero.pdf 3/5/2020
Original WATER LETTER.pdf 2/14/2020
Engineered Plans
Final Recorded Plat
Revision Ded plat 89-002, 89-003.pdf 11/10/2020
Geologic Hazards Evaluation
Geotechnical Evaluation
Notice of Decision
Original Notice of Decision 1.pdf 5/15/2020
Open Space Preservation Plan
Preapplication Meeting Notes
Proposed Final Plat
Revision Vaquero Village Cluster 1st Amendment plat 9-21-2020.pdf 9/21/2020
Original Vaquero Village Cluster Subdivision 1st Amendment 7-22-2020.pdf 7/22/2020
Original Vaquero Village Cluster 1st Amendment plat 6-30-2020.pdf 6/30/2020
Original Vaquero Village Cluster Sub Plat 4-24-2020.pdf 5/1/2020
Original 20N707 - AP.pdf 4/24/2020
Proposed Preliminary Plan
Original VAQUERO.pdf 2/14/2020
Original plat.pdf 2/14/2020
Public Street Connectivity Plan
Response to Review Agencies
Secondary Water Will-Serve
Septic Feasibility
Original HD Feasibility Letter.pdf 4/6/2020
Sewer Will-Serve
Staff Report
Time Extension
Title Report
Original TITLE REPORT.pdf 2/14/2020
Traffic Study/Plan
Well Approval
Uncategorized Documents
Review Vaquero Village Cluster Subdivision - 1st Amendment Addressing 2.pdf 9/21/2020
Review 20200915_(4th Submital)_Vaquero Village 1st Amendment.pdf 9/15/2020
Review S:\Reviews\Subdivisions\20200214_Vaquero Village Cluster Subdivision - 1st Amendment_6N3W14SW\Submittals\20200722_Third Submital_Vaquero Village Cluster Subdivision .pdf 7/22/2020
Review Vaquero Village Cluster 1st Amend report signed.pdf 5/15/2020
Review S:\Reviews\Subdivisions\20200214_Vaquera Village Cluster Subdivision - 1st Amendment_6N3W14SW\Submittals\2020424_(Second Submittal)_Vaquera Village Cluster Subdivision - 1st Amendment_6N3W14SW - Copy - Copy.pdf 4/27/2020
Review Vaquero Village Cluster Subdivision - 1st Amendment Addressing.pdf 4/15/2020
Review Vaquero Village Cluster Sub 1st Amend plat_Planning review 1.pdf 3/5/2020
Review S:\Reviews\Subdivisions\20200214_Vaquera Village Cluster Subdivision - 1st Amendment_6N3W14SW\Submittals\20200214_First Redline_Vaquera Village Cluster Subdivision - 1st Amendment_6N3W14SW.pdf 2/25/2020


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

Felix Lleverino - 9/21/2020

Please see the latest plat uploaded.

Felix Lleverino - 7/22/2020
Please see the latest plat that has been uploaded.
Felix Lleverino - 6/30/2020
A newly revised plat has been uploaded. Please review the latest plat under the "Documents tab".
Felix Lleverino - 5/1/2020
Please see the latest plat that has been uploaded. Some adjustments have been made to the open space.
Andy Hubbard - 4/24/2020
Changes to the PLat from Addressing, Planning, and Surveyor have been reviewed and corrections noted on the plat uploaded to Today. For Clarification 1. Lot 16, Extends West and South Behind Lots 18-25. 2. the Temp Turnaround Easement Area has been described as given to the Developer for preparation of the easement. 3. A portion of Parcel B will be included in the Phase 2 Plat and Open Space will be shifted to the meet the intent of the ordinance at that time. 4. Trails have been shifted to avoid any lots with Existing homes where possible.
Felix Lleverino - 4/6/2020
See the HD septic feasibility letter uploaded.


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

List of All Reviews

Environmental Health


Weber-Morgan Health Department Summer Day 11/9/2020
Address Review #2

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Brett Badley 9/21/2020
shirley / Treasurer


Shirley Robinson 9/16/2020
4th Review Surveyor's


Public Shaun Rose 9/15/2020
Engineering Plat Review #2


Weber County Engineering Gary Myers 8/4/2020
Surveyor's 3rd Review


Public Shaun Rose 7/22/2020
Planning Approval


Weber County Planning Felix Lleverino 5/15/2020
Surveyor's 2nd Review

Not Approved

Public Shaun Rose 4/27/2020
Addressing Review #1

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Brett Badley 4/15/2020
Gary Myers

Not Approved

Weber County Engineering Gary Myers 4/2/2020
Planning Review

Not Approved

Weber County Planning Felix Lleverino 3/5/2020
Shirley / Treasurer


Shirley Robinson 9/22/2020
Surveyor 1st Review

Not Approved

Public Shaun Rose 2/25/2020
Fire Review

Not Approved

Weber Fire District David Reed Weber Fire District 2/19/2020


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
Devron Andersen 2/14/2020
Brett Badley 2/14/2020
Ted Black 2/14/2020
Marta Borchert 2/14/2020
Scott Braeden 2/14/2020
Brett Bunderson 2/14/2020
Pat Burns 4/8/2020
Steve Burton 2/14/2020
Franklin Carlsen 2/14/2020
Britt Clark 2/14/2020
Steve Collier 2/14/2020
Michelle Cooke 2/14/2020
Louis Cooper 2/14/2020
Brian Cowan 2/14/2020
Charlie Ewert 2/14/2020
Andrea Fiske 2/14/2020
Rick Grover 2/14/2020
Jack Haight 2/14/2020
Michela Harris 2/14/2020
Trevor Hatch 2/14/2020
Iris Hennon 2/14/2020
Kathleen Howell 2/14/2020
Andy Hubbard 4/7/2020
Christie Ingram 2/14/2020
Craig Jorgensen 2/14/2020
Brandie Kilts 2/14/2020
Ryan Klinge 2/14/2020
Robert Knox 2/14/2020
Carolyn Laird 2/14/2020
Angela Martin 2/14/2020
Daniel Milligan 2/14/2020
Ann Morby 2/14/2020
Gary Myers 2/14/2020
Bahy Rahimzadegan 2/14/2020
Shirley Robinson 2/28/2020
Val Schultz 2/14/2020
Karl Sewell 2/14/2020
Scott Slater 2/14/2020
Terry Stones 2/14/2020
Jared Taylor 2/14/2020
David Reed Weber Fire District 2/14/2020
Abigail Weymouth 2/14/2020


List of all invoices tied to project.

Area Fees

List of estimated fees for this project.

Estimated Fee Total: $0