Favero's Legacy Cluster Subdivision

3750 W 2200 S, Ogden, UT, 84401
Project Type:
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Project Manager


Subdivision application for a nine lot cluster subdivision. The subdivision will recieve culinary, secondary, and waste water services from the local servicing districts. Final approval from the County Commission has been granted. Phase 1 has been recorded. Phase 2 plat has been added for review.

Property Address
3750 W 2200 S
Ogden, UT, 84401

Property Owner




Taylor West Weber Water
Hooper Irrigation Company
Central Weber Sewer Improvement District

Parcel Number
150780137 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Annexation Plat
Cost Estimate
Culinary Water Will-Serve
Engineered Plans
Final Recorded Plat
Geologic Hazards Evaluation
Geotechnical Evaluation
Notice of Decision
Open Space Preservation Plan
Original Open_Space_Preservation_Plan_for_Faveros_Legacy_Cluster_Subdivision.pdf 3/12/2018
Original Phase_1_recorded_plat_81-012.pdf 6/22/2017
Review Fav_Leg_Clust_Sub_CC_Staff_Report_final_2.docx 6/22/2017
Original Favero_Legacy_Cluster_Sub_Title_Report_Ph_2__5_1_2017.pdf 5/1/2017
Original Final_Notice_of_Decision_Letter_WWPC_4-26-2017.docx 4/27/2017
Original State_Capacity_Letter.pdf 4/17/2017
Original Faveros_Legacy_Cluster_Subd_Phase_1_4-10-2017.pdf 4/10/2017
Original swppp-_compressed_11-18-2016.pdf 11/18/2016
Original 20N302_-_Annexation_plat.pdf 11/18/2016
Review Faveros_Lagacy_Cluster_Ph1_plat_10-27-2016_2nd_FINAL_REVIEW.pdf 11/8/2016
Original CCRs_Favero_Legacy_Cluster_Subdivision.docx 11/8/2016
Original Faveros_Lagacy_Cluster_Ph1_plat_10-27-2016.pdf 10/27/2016
Original Favero_legacy_cluster_plat_10-26-2016.pdf 10/26/2016
Review Faveros_Legacy_Phase_1_10-11-2016_1ST_FINAL_REVIEW.pdf 10/25/2016
Original Final_approval_from_CC_Favero_legacy_Cluster.docx 10/21/2016
Original Storm_Water_Study_-_Faveros_Legacy.pdf 10/11/2016
Original swppp-_compressed.pdf 10/11/2016
Original Faveros_Legacy_Phase_1_10-11-2016.pdf 10/11/2016
Original 9-15-2016_Preliminary_Decision_Letter.pdf 9/15/2016
Review Faveros_Legacy_Plat_Phase_1_7-29-2016_Prelim_2nd_Review.pdf 8/10/2016
Original Faveros_Legacy_plat_Phase_12_7-29-2016.pdf 7/29/2016
Original Faveros_Legacy_Plat_Phase_1_7-29-2016.pdf 7/29/2016
Original Faveros_Legacy_plat_with_mark-up.pdf 6/7/2016
Original Faveros_Legacy_Garden_Site_plan_with_markup.pdf 6/7/2016
Review 02N302_-_Favero_Option_IV_-_Prelim-Plat20140723_1_1st_Review.pdf 6/3/2016
Review Favero_Option_IV_Prelim-Plat_Engineering_Rreview_May2016.pdf 6/2/2016
Review SUB-_Faveros_Legacy_Subdivision_3750_W_2200_S_Ogden_Utah.pdf 5/26/2016
Original Winslow_Farr_Jr._Farm_Ph_1_garden_exhibit_plan.pdf 5/20/2016
Original 02N302_-_Favero_Option_IV_-_Prelim-Plat20140723.pdf 5/20/2016
Original Community_Garden_photos_and_info.pdf 5/20/2016
Original PR_Title_Insurance.pdf 5/20/2016
Original LVF051916_Favero_will_serve_letters.pdf 5/20/2016
Original LVF051916_Faveros_Legacy_Sub_application.pdf 5/20/2016
Preapplication Meeting Notes
Proposed Final Plat
Proposed Preliminary Plan
Public Street Connectivity Plan
Response to Review Agencies
Secondary Water Will-Serve
Septic Feasibility
Sewer Will-Serve
Staff Report
Time Extension
Title Report
Traffic Study/Plan
Well Approval
Uncategorized Documents


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

Felix Lleverino - 6/22/2017
To all reviewing agencies, phase 2 has been uploaded see the files tab under "plat phase 2".
Felix Lleverino - 6/22/2017
Phase 1 was recorded May 9 2017.
Felix Lleverino - 4/27/2017
The proposal for phase 1 was heard and approved by the Western Weber Planning Commission on April, 26 2017.
Bahy Rahimzadegan - 4/14/2017
Based upon conversation with Surveyor, Owners Dedication is ok with the Weber County Surveyors Office, after changes from phone conversations are made.
Felix Lleverino - 4/10/2017
To all reviewing agencies. There has been a revised plat uploaded including updated owner's dedication language.
Felix Lleverino - 10/27/2016
See the latest plat titled Favero legacy Cluster ph1 plat 10-27-2016.
Felix Lleverino - 10/26/2016
See the latest plat titled Favero legacy cluster 10-26-2016.
Felix Lleverino - 10/25/2016
Please note that Favero's Legacy Cluster Subdivision is not ready for Mylar. Final approval from all review agencies is still required.
Felix Lleverino - 10/21/2016
Final approval for Phase 1 from the County Commission was granted October 11th 2016.
Felix Lleverino - 7/29/2016
Received a new design submittal for Favero Legacy Subdivision. Please see the files tab for latest plat.
Sue Morgan - 5/23/2016
All students are eligible for busing. Current stops are on 2200 S.
Scott Slater - 5/23/2016
QGC - Main extension may be required.
Karl Sewell - 5/20/2016
RMP - Line extension to new subdivision will be in accordance with current tariff and regulations.


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

List of All Reviews

Planning Review 2


Weber County Planning Felix Lleverino 6/22/2017


Weber County Engineering Chad Meyerhoffer 11/21/2016
Survey 2nd review


Public Bahy Rahimzadegan 11/8/2016
Survey 1st Review

Not Approved

Public Bahy Rahimzadegan 10/25/2016
Staff Report to the Western Weber County Planning Commission

Not Approved

Weber County Planning Felix Lleverino 9/16/2016

Not Approved

Weber County Engineering Chad Meyerhoffer 8/16/2016
Survey 2nd Preliminary Review


Public Bahy Rahimzadegan 8/12/2016
Subdivision Plat Review


Weber County Planning Felix Lleverino 9/16/2016
Survey 1st Preliminary Review

Not Approved

Public Bahy Rahimzadegan 6/3/2016

Not Approved

Weber County Engineering Chad Meyerhoffer 6/2/2016
Weber Fire District Review


N/A N/A 5/26/2016


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
Robert Favero 1/1/0001
Blane W Frandsen 1/1/0001
Andy Hubbard 1/1/0001
Chad Meyerhoffer 1/1/0001
Sue Morgan 1/1/0001
Bahy Rahimzadegan 1/1/0001


List of all invoices tied to project.

Area Fees

List of estimated fees for this project.

Estimated Fee Total: $0