Powder Ranch Subdivision

8800 East 1300 S, Huntsville, UT, 84317
Project Type:
Sub Type:
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Project Manager


Expired Subdivision.

Property Address
8800 East 1300 S
Huntsville, UT, 84317

Property Owner




Private Well
Individual Septic

Parcel Number
210350065 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Annexation Plat
Cost Estimate
Culinary Water Will-Serve
Engineered Plans
Final Recorded Plat
Geologic Hazards Evaluation
Geotechnical Evaluation
Notice of Decision
Open Space Preservation Plan
Original 2016-06-27-ZH-Powder_Ranch_Subdivision.pdf 6/28/2016
Original 2016-05-20-ZH-Powder_ranch_subdivision.pdf 5/23/2016
Original 2016-04-07-ZH-Powder_Ranch_Subdivision.pdf 4/8/2016
Original signed_administrative_approval_of_time_extension.pdf 5/29/2015
Original time_extension_request.pdf 5/29/2015
Review Stormwater_Construction_Activity_Permit.pdf 12/29/2014
Review SWPPP_Sample.pdf 12/29/2014
Review cross_section.pdf 12/29/2014
Original FINAL_PLAT_12-23-14L.pdf 12/24/2014
Original Notice_of_Decission.pdf 4/14/2014
Review Powder_Ranch_Survey_review_3-18-14.pdf 3/18/2014
Review Powder_Ranch_review_with_addresses_1-30-14.pdf 1/30/2014
Review Powder_Ranch_Subdivision_FINAL_PLAT_FIRST_SUBMITTAL_For_Agency_Review.pdf 1/29/2014
Original Powder_Ranch_Subdivision_FINAL_PLAT_FIRST_SUBMITTAL_For_Agency_Review.pdf 1/16/2014
Review Powder_Ranch_Site_Map-12-17-13-_WEBER_FIRE_REVIEWED.pdf 12/17/2013
Review SUB-_Powder_Ranch_Subdivision_8800_East_1300_S_Huntsville.pdf 12/17/2013
Original Weber_Pathways_Review_Silver_Summit_and_Powder_Ranch.pdf 12/12/2013
Original Powder_Ranch_Soil.pdf 12/3/2013
Original plat_map.pdf 12/3/2013
Original weber_county_signed_application.pdf 12/3/2013
Original receipt.pdf 12/3/2013
Original septic_feasibility_letter.pdf 12/3/2013
Original Water_Rights.pdf 12/3/2013
Original Fidelity_Commitment_2006_Form.pdf 12/3/2013
Preapplication Meeting Notes
Proposed Final Plat
Proposed Preliminary Plan
Public Street Connectivity Plan
Response to Review Agencies
Secondary Water Will-Serve
Septic Feasibility
Sewer Will-Serve
Staff Report
Time Extension
Title Report
Traffic Study/Plan
Well Approval
Uncategorized Documents


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

N/A - 6/28/2016
This subdivision has expired. Please see the Planning Division for any questions.
Jim Gentry - 3/30/2016
Powder Ranch Subdivision 1 year time extension expires on May 29, 2016 so the subdivision needs to be reorded by that day. Only 1 time extension can be granted, and this subdivision has received this one time extension.
Jim Gentry - 1/23/2015
As stated in the Notice of Decision: Administrative approval of subdivisions does not require County Commission approval. These subdivisions shall be offered for recording within 18 months from the time the application is deemed complete by, the Planning Division. If the subdivision is not offered for recording within this period, the subdivision proposal is void. A subdivision that is considered void will require a new submittal of the subdivision, with the appropriate fees to begin the subdivision process for the same parcel of land. The receipt is dated December 2, 2013, which is the date the application is deemed complete therefor the applicant has until June 2, 2015, to record this subdivision.
Scott Braeden - 1/30/2014
Percolation test results and soil information still need to be added to the mylar. See attached soil letter for information.
Scott Mendoza - 1/16/2014
Review Agencies, Planning just added an updated FINAL PLAT of the Powder Ranch Subdivision for review. Test pit locations have been added.
Scott Slater - 1/6/2014
QGC requests a 10' PUE along all property lines. Questar Gas also reserves the right to require a Right-of-Way to serve each of the lots within this subdivision at the expense of the developer or property owner in accordance with all the current laws and regulations.
Sue Morgan - 12/4/2013
All students are eligible for busing. Current stops for all students are on 1300 S.
Scott Braeden - 12/3/2013
Test pit location, percolation test results, and soil information must be on the mylar as required by the health department. See attached soil letter for information.
Karl Sewell - 12/3/2013
RMP - Line extension will be in accordance with current tariff and regulations. 10' PUE required.


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

List of All Reviews

Engineering Review 3

Not Approved

N/A N/A 12/29/2014
Survey Review 3-18-14

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Trevor Hatch 3/18/2014
Engineering Review 2

Not Approved

N/A N/A 2/5/2014
Survey review 1-29-14

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Trevor Hatch 1/30/2014
Property Taxes


Carolyn Laird 1/24/2014
Weber Fire District Review


N/A N/A 12/17/2013
Engineering Review 1

Not Approved

N/A N/A 12/6/2013


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
Nick Anderson 1/1/0001
Scott Braeden 1/1/0001
chris cave 1/1/0001
Jerry Fletcher 1/1/0001
Jim Gentry 1/1/0001
Trevor Hatch 1/1/0001
Carolyn Laird 1/1/0001
Michelle McReynolds 1/1/0001
Scott Mendoza 1/1/0001
Daniel Milligan 1/1/0001
Steve Parkinson 1/1/0001
Mark Swirbul 1/1/0001


List of all invoices tied to project.

Area Fees

List of estimated fees for this project.

Estimated Fee Total: $0