Heward Subdivision

2950 N Wolf Creek Drive, Eden, UT, 84310
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This is a one lot subdivision located in the Eden area of the Ogden Valley.

Property Address
2950 N Wolf Creek Drive
Eden, UT, 84310

Property Owner




Eden Waterworks Company
Eden Water Works

Parcel Number
220210135 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Annexation Plat
Cost Estimate
Culinary Water Will-Serve
Engineered Plans
Final Recorded Plat
Geologic Hazards Evaluation
Geotechnical Evaluation
Notice of Decision
Open Space Preservation Plan
Review SUB-_Heward_Subdivision_2950_N_Wolf_Creek_Drive_Eden_Utah.pdf 5/9/2016
Review Fire_hydrant_letter_2.docx 5/9/2016
Review Fire_hydrant_letter.docx 5/9/2016
Review PAULA_HEWARD_SUB-1_Second_Review.pdf 4/26/2016
Original PAULA_HEWARD_SUB-1.pdf 4/20/2016
Original signed_administrative_approval_with_exhibits.pdf 3/25/2016
Original Administrative_staff_reports_and_exhibits.pdf 3/14/2016
Review PAULA_HEWARD_SUB_1st_Review.pdf 3/10/2016
Review SUB-_Heward_Subdivision_2950_N_Wolf_Creek_Drive_Eden_Utah.pdf 3/2/2016
Original mountainviewtitlemailgmail.com_20160229_164231.pdf 3/1/2016
Original UVH022616_Heward_Sub_application.pdf 2/29/2016
Original UVH022616_Heward_Sub_soil_evaluation.pdf 2/29/2016
Original UVH022616_Heward_Sub_will_serve.pdf 2/29/2016
Original PAULA_HEWARD_SUB.pdf 2/29/2016
Preapplication Meeting Notes
Proposed Final Plat
Proposed Preliminary Plan
Public Street Connectivity Plan
Response to Review Agencies
Secondary Water Will-Serve
Septic Feasibility
Sewer Will-Serve
Staff Report
Time Extension
Title Report
Traffic Study/Plan
Well Approval
Uncategorized Documents


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

Felix Lleverino - 2/27/2017
Administrative final approval was granted on March 25, 2016. The applicant has been contacted 2/27/2017 and informed that the project expires on March 25, 2017 and the final step in completing this project is to record the Mylar.
Felix Lleverino - 11/2/2016
The applicant and owners will be coming to the planning office to sign the Mylar for recording. See the review tab for the fire marshal's approval.
Jim Gentry - 5/4/2016
The Mylar has been signed by the require department. Prior to the subdivision plat being recorded The Fire District is requiring one new fire hydrant within 400 feet of the furthest most portion of the new home. The Fire District requirement needs to be met prior to the recording of the plat
Jim Gentry - 4/6/2016
The dotted faults (concealed, do not cut the surface) on the USGS Huntsville quadrangle geologic map that were labeled as inferred from the gravity data in Stewart (1956) are incorrectly located compared to what Stewart (1956) showed. That is why I did not put them on the 2001 map. A fault may be next to the North Fork of the Ogden River, but a lineament is shown on the new colored map (pdf attached) because the scarp may just be the incised river bed. I hope the new gravity survey of Ogden Valley for the water report will provide a better answer. The new colored map is in review (only the director remains) and will be GIS. Please use it, particularly for faults, though the Quaternary mapping has been simplified and thin deposits removed. Hope this answers your question. Jon K. King Geologic Mapping Utah Geological Survey
Janet Muir - 3/9/2016
No exterior lighting or illuminated signage appears to be involved.
Sue Morgan - 3/7/2016
All students are bused. Current stops are on Wolf Creek Dr.
Scott Slater - 3/1/2016
QGC - has no proposed gas line as-shown on the plat, does have facilities along 5100 West as-shown.
Karl Sewell - 2/29/2016
RMP - line extension to new lot will be in accordance with current tariff and regulations.


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

List of All Reviews

Weber Fire District Comments


N/A N/A 5/9/2016
Environmental Health Septic


Weber-Morgan Health Department Summer Day 5/4/2016
Environmental Health Septic


Weber-Morgan Health Department Summer Day 5/4/2016
2nd Survey Review


Public Bahy Rahimzadegan 4/26/2016
Survey 1st Review

Not Approved

Public Bahy Rahimzadegan 3/10/2016
Subdivision Review Engineering


Blane W Frandsen 4/26/2016
Property Taxes


Shirley Robinson 3/7/2016
Weber Fire District Review


N/A N/A 3/2/2016


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
Summer Day 1/1/0001
Blane W Frandsen 1/1/0001
Jim Gentry 1/1/0001
Paula Heward 1/1/0001
Janet Muir 1/1/0001
Bahy Rahimzadegan 1/1/0001
Shirley Robinson 1/1/0001
Scott Slater 1/1/0001


List of all invoices tied to project.

Area Fees

List of estimated fees for this project.

Estimated Fee Total: $0