Shanghai Canyon Subdivision

156 North Hwy 158, Eden, UT, 84310
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Project Manager


1-lot subdivison. Has received Flag Lot approval

Property Address
156 North Hwy 158
Eden, UT, 84310

Property Owner





Parcel Number
200170003 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Annexation Plat
Cost Estimate
Culinary Water Will-Serve
Engineered Plans
Final Recorded Plat
Geologic Hazards Evaluation
Geotechnical Evaluation
Notice of Decision
Open Space Preservation Plan
Original 2-11-16_Recorded_Subdivision_Plat.pdf 2/16/2016
Review 10-14-15_Administrative_Approval-Signed.pdf 10/16/2015
Original 9-8-15_Shanghai_Canyon_Subdivision.pdf 9/8/2015
Original 8-10-15_Final_Shanghai_Canyon_Geological_Study_August_8_2015.pdf 8/11/2015
Original 7-27-15_Draft_Shanghai_Canyon_Geology_Report.pdf 7/30/2015
Review 6-1-15_Planning_Division_Review_-Blue_Lines.pdf 6/1/2015
Original 5-20-15_Response_Letter_to_County.pdf 5/28/2015
Original 5-20-15_Shanghai_Canyon_Subdivision.pdf 5/28/2015
Review 20150515_Shanghai_Canyon_Sub_3rd_Review_61216.pdf 5/15/2015
Original 5-7-15_Revised_Plat.pdf 5/11/2015
Original State_Engineer_Letter.pdf 4/7/2015
Original 2-13-15_Revised_Title_Report.pdf 2/19/2015
Review 2-9-15_Planning_Division_Blue_Lines.pdf 2/9/2015
Review Shanghai_Canyon_Sub.pdf 2/3/2015
Original 1-30-15_Revised_Plat.pdf 1/30/2015
Original UDOT_letter.pdf 1/30/2015
Review 12-17-14_Survey_Review.pdf 12/24/2014
Review 12-18-14_Review_Transmittal.pdf 12/19/2014
Original 11-7-14_Rocky_Mountain_Power_Will_Serve.pdf 12/19/2014
Original 11-7-14_Revised_Plat_Map.pdf 11/20/2014
Original Title_Report_11-7-14.pdf 11/7/2014
Review 9-2-14_Review_Transmittal_with_attachments.pdf 9/8/2014
Review SUB-_Shanghai_Subdivision_156_N_Hwy_158_Eden.pdf 9/8/2014
Original UVS081414_Shanghai_Canyon_Subdivision_Application.pdf 8/15/2014
Original UVS081414_Shanghai_Canyon_will_serve_ltr.pdf 8/15/2014
Original UVS081414_Shanghai_Cayon_Sub_Water_Rights_Ltr.pdf 8/15/2014
Original Site_Plan.pdf 8/15/2014
Original plat_map.pdf 8/15/2014
Preapplication Meeting Notes
Proposed Final Plat
Proposed Preliminary Plan
Public Street Connectivity Plan
Response to Review Agencies
Secondary Water Will-Serve
Septic Feasibility
Sewer Will-Serve
Staff Report
Time Extension
Title Report
Traffic Study/Plan
Well Approval
Uncategorized Documents


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

N/A - 10/7/2015
To Owners of Property within 500 feet of Property Located at Approximately 156 N. Hwy 158, Eden, UT The Weber County Planning Office has received a request for final approval of Shanghai Canyon Subdivision. The proposed subdivision is considered a small subdivision, consisting of one lot for which no streets will be created or realigned along 3600 West. Consideration of the application and action, on this request will take place during an, open and public administrative meeting that will be held in the Weber County Planning Division Conference Room (2nd floor, Weber Center [2380 Washington Blvd, Ogden Utah]) on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 4:00 pm. Meeting date and time is subject to change. Please call to confirm the meeting time and schedule at 801-399-8791. Sincerely, Ronda Kippen, Planner II 801-399-8768
N/A - 8/25/2015
It appears that this application for a one lot subdivision has been in for review and approval for one year as of August 14th. A re-submittal addressing all outstanding issues from the applicable review agencies needs to be submitted as soon as possible in order to receive approval prior to the 18 month expiration time frame as required in LUC §Sec. 106-1-7. - Subdivision time limitations. Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns regarding the outstanding items.
N/A - 5/19/2015
Our office still needs proof of 20,000 contiguous square feet at or less than 25% slope as required for feasibility of an onsite wastewater system.
N/A - 2/5/2015
Pineview Water Systems has verified the existing home is served by culinary water and such will not be impacted by a septic system. Please calculate the square footage of Lot 1 available area equal or less than 25% slope and provide that information on the site map to the Health Department.
Val Schultz - 2/3/2015
This Office has completed it's second review of this subdivision. A red lined PDF has been e-mailed to GBE
N/A - 1/30/2015
After review of the newest plat map there are several items that need to be addressed before Health Dept. can approve. 1. Where is the well for the existing house on the other lot? The protection zone must be shown and cannot be compromised by the proposed septic system. 2. There must be adequate room for a replacement drainfield in an area at or under 25% slope. It must also be located out of any drinking water protection zones. 3. Does the proposed lot have 20,000 square feet of contiguous buildable area with a slope less than 25%? This detail was not address with the first plat received by the Health Department, contours were not shown.
N/A - 12/19/2014
I have sent an email with the Planning Division 2nd Review Transmittal and the applicable departments that have comments to date to David Clapier. The staff review with attachments have been uploaded to the system.
Scott Slater - 9/18/2014
QGC has no facilities to serve this subdivision. A main extension would be required
Sue Morgan - 9/9/2014
All students would be eligible for bussing. No current stops in this area.
N/A - 9/5/2014
I have sent an email with the Planning Department Review Transmittal and the applicable departments that have comments to date to David Clapier. I left a voice message regarding the email for David Clapier. The staff review with attachments have been uploaded to the system.
N/A - 8/25/2014
I have sent an email to the contact to get more information regarding the subdivision.
Karl Sewell - 8/18/2014
RMP - line extension to property will be in accordance with the current tariff and regulations.


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

List of All Reviews

Property Taxes


Shirley Robinson 12/9/2015
Property Taxes


Shirley Robinson 12/9/2015
Planning Division Administrative Approval Staff Report


N/A N/A 10/16/2015
Engineering Review 5


N/A N/A 9/15/2015
Environmental Health Septic


N/A N/A 9/9/2015
Planning Division Review 4

Not Approved

N/A N/A 6/1/2015
Engineering Review 4

Not Approved

N/A N/A 5/19/2015
Shanghai Canyon Subdvision 3rd Review


Daniel Milligan 6/8/2015
Environmental Health Septic

Not Approved

N/A N/A 4/1/2015
Delinquent Property Taxes

Not Approved

Shirley Robinson 3/18/2015
Planning Division Review 3

Not Approved

N/A N/A 6/1/2015
Survey 2nd review

Not Approved

Val Schultz 2/3/2015
Engineering Review 3

Not Approved

N/A N/A 2/3/2015
Survey review 12-24-14

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Trevor Hatch 12/24/2014
Planning Division Review 2

Not Approved

N/A N/A 12/19/2014
Engineering Review 2

Not Approved

N/A N/A 11/20/2014
Property Taxes

Not Approved

Shirley Robinson 10/21/2014
Planning Division Review

Not Approved

N/A N/A 9/8/2014
Weber Fire District Review


N/A N/A 9/8/2014
Property Taxes

Not Approved

Carolyn Laird 8/27/2014
Engineering Review 1

Not Approved

N/A N/A 8/18/2014


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
David Clapier 1/1/0001
Jason Felt 1/1/0001
Trevor Hatch 1/1/0001
Brandie Kilts 1/1/0001
Carolyn Laird 1/1/0001
Daniel Milligan 1/1/0001
Shirley Robinson 1/1/0001
Val Schultz 1/1/0001


List of all invoices tied to project.

Area Fees

List of estimated fees for this project.

Estimated Fee Total: $0