Cook Corner Subdivision

2250 E 5850 N, Liberty, UT, 84310
Project Type:
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Project Manager


Cook Subdivision is a one lot subdivision that has received approval for an alternative access for access to the site.  Waster Water will be provided by a private septic system.


For full description, see project narrative.

Property Address
2250 E 5850 N
Liberty, UT, 84310

Property Owner




Cole Canyon Water Company
Cole Canyon Water Company

Parcel Number
160050015 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Annexation Plat
Cost Estimate
Culinary Water Will-Serve
Engineered Plans
Final Recorded Plat
Geologic Hazards Evaluation
Geotechnical Evaluation
Notice of Decision
Open Space Preservation Plan
Original Recorded_plat_84-080.pdf 1/30/2019
Review 20181211_12Cook_Corner_Subdivision_Plat_12-11-2018_th_Submittal_redline_and_approved_copy.pdf 12/17/2018
Original Cook_Corner_Subdivision_Plat_12-11-2018.pdf 12/11/2018
Review 20181109_Cook_Corner_Subdivision_Plat_11-1-2018_3rd_Redline.pdf 11/9/2018
Original Notice_of_Decision.pdf 11/1/2018
Review Cook_Subd_Admin_Staff_Report.pdf 11/1/2018
Original Cook_Corner_Subdivision_Plat_11-1-2018.pdf 11/1/2018
Original Cook_Corner_Subdivision_Plat_10-29-2018.pdf 10/29/2018
Review 20181024_Cook_Corner_Subdivision-Plat_10-19-2018__2nd_Redline.pdf 10/24/2018
Original Cook_Corner_Subdivision-Plat_10-19-2018.pdf 10/19/2018
Review 20180904_Cook_Subdivision_1st_Redline.pdf 9/25/2018
Review Cook_Subdivision_Plat_Planning_Review_1.pdf 9/10/2018
Original Agency_Review_-_Centurylink.pdf 9/7/2018
Original Cook_Subdivision_Plat.pdf 9/4/2018
Original Soil_Study.pdf 9/4/2018
Original Septic_Approval_Letter.pdf 9/4/2018
Original Cole_Canyon_Will_Serve_Letter.pdf 9/4/2018
Original Title_Report_08.2018.pdf 9/4/2018
Original Cook_Subdivision_application.pdf 9/4/2018
Preapplication Meeting Notes
Proposed Final Plat
Proposed Preliminary Plan
Public Street Connectivity Plan
Response to Review Agencies
Secondary Water Will-Serve
Septic Feasibility
Sewer Will-Serve
Staff Report
Time Extension
Title Report
Traffic Study/Plan
Well Approval
Uncategorized Documents


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

Felix Lleverino - 12/11/2018
Please see the latest plat that has been uploaded.
Felix Lleverino - 11/1/2018
Please see the latest plat that has been uploaded that addresses comments from the Weber County Engineering Department.
Blane W Frandsen - 10/30/2018
Please note the folloing code requirement. Sec. 104-28-2. - Stream corridors, wetlands, and shorelines. ...(b) Development standards. (1) Setbacks. No structure, accessory structure, road, or parking area shall be built within the required setback from a river or stream as measured from the high water mark of the river or stream. The high water mark shall be determined by the Weber County engineer. The areas within the setback shall be maintained in a manner that protects the quality of water in the river or stream and the habitat of native vegetation and wildlife along the river or stream.... c. Structures, accessory structures, roads, or parking areas shall not be developed or located within 50 feet from the high water mark of a natural ephemeral stream. We would request that the noted restrict be shown as build set back and not as Stream Easement. If the intent of the Noted stream easement be for site drainage then a drainage easement would seem more appropriate but would not releave the needed setback requirement. Blane Frandsen PE
Felix Lleverino - 10/29/2018
Please see the latest plat that has been uploaded.
Blane W Frandsen - 10/26/2018
The stream set back shown does not reflect the minimum set back requirement of 50 feet on each side of the stream (50'+ plus 'stream width highwater line to high waterline'+ 50'). Blane Frandsen PE
Felix Lleverino - 10/19/2018
The owner changed the name from Cook Subdivision to Cook Corner Subdivision because the first name was already being used. Please see the latest plat that has been uploaded.


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

List of All Reviews

Survey 4th Review


Public Bahy Rahimzadegan 12/17/2018
Survey 3rd Review

Not Approved

Public Bahy Rahimzadegan 11/9/2018
Planning Approval


Weber County Planning Felix Lleverino 11/1/2018
Survey 2nd review

Not Approved

Public Bahy Rahimzadegan 10/24/2018
Addressing review


Weber County Surveyor's Office Brett Badley 10/30/2018
Engineering 2


Blane W Frandsen 11/2/2018
Survey 1st Review

Not Approved

Public Bahy Rahimzadegan 9/25/2018
Weber Fire District Review


Weber Fire District David Reed Weber Fire District 9/11/2018
Planning Review 1

Not Approved

Weber County Planning Felix Lleverino 9/10/2018

Not Approved

Blane W Frandsen 9/6/2018

Not Approved

Blane W Frandsen 9/6/2018

Not Approved

Blane W Frandsen 9/6/2018
Property Taxes


Shirley Robinson 9/5/2018


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
Brett Badley 1/1/0001
Steve Collier 1/1/0001
Clayton Cook 1/1/0001
Tyson DeMeyer 1/1/0001
Blane W Frandsen 1/1/0001
Andy Hubbard 10/6/2020
David Peterson 1/1/0001
Bahy Rahimzadegan 1/1/0001
Shirley Robinson 1/1/0001
David Reed Weber Fire District 1/1/0001


List of all invoices tied to project.

Area Fees

List of estimated fees for this project.

Estimated Fee Total: $0