Smart fields Rezone

1700 S 4300 W , West Weber, UT, 84404
Project Type:
Zoning Map Amendments
Sub Type:
Zoning Map Amendments
Created By:
Created On:
Project Status:
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File Number:
Project Manager


Smart Fields Re-Zone Application

Property Address
1700 S 4300 W
West Weber, UT, 84404

Property Owner
Dade Rose

John Newhall

Smart Fields
New Master Plan
Taylor-West Weber Water District
Hooper Irrigation Company
Central Weber Sewer
Owner, Patrick Burns

Parcel Number
150570025 - County Map
150540092 - County Map
150540094 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Revision Smart Fields Parks Letter (Jan 9, 2022).pdf 1/12/2023
Concept Plan
Revision 2023.06.29 Zoning Exhibit.pdf 6/29/2023
Revision 2023.06.20 Zoning Exhibit-Model.pdf 6/22/2023
Revision 2023.02.21_Overall Master Plan.pdf 2/28/2023
Revision 2023.01.11_6298.22_Smart Fields_Concept Plan.pdf 1/31/2023
Original 2023.01.04_6298_Smart Fields-Master Plan.pdf 1/5/2023
Draft Plans and Maps
Executed Documents
Original Development Agreement signed and recorded.pdf 6/7/2024
Revision Smart Fields Rezone Presentation & Examples (February 2023).pdf 2/28/2023
Original Smart Fields Rezone Narrative.pdf 1/5/2023
Notice of Decision
Revision Smart Fields Rezone Notice of Public Hearing_2.pdf 3/2/2023
Revision Smart Fields TWWW Ability to Serve 12-19-22.pdf 2/28/2023
Staff Report – County Commission
Staff Report – Planning Commission
Revision PC Memo July 11th,2023 agenda.pdf 7/21/2023
Revision ZMA 2023-03_PC report_3.pdf 3/10/2023
Uncategorized Documents
Review Smart Fields Rezone Planning Review_2.pdf 2/24/2023


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

Felix Lleverino - 9/19/2023

On August 15th 2023 the County Commission unanimously approved file number ZMA2023-03, the Smart Fields Rezone, during a public hearing.

Pat Burns - 4/5/2023

Hi Steve and Felix,

Steve, I just saw your message to Nate Reeve about the open application for Smart Fields under the A-1 zone. That application was opened in April 2021. With the passing of the new master plan in Western Weber, we made the decision to not move forward with the original application and we submitted the new Rezone Application January 2023 (this application). If needed, can you change the April 2021 application status? We will submit a new subdivision application once the rezone is approved. Do we have an estimate on timeline? Is there anything else you need from us? Thank you.


Felix Lleverino - 3/17/2023

Vice Chair Favero called for a motion. Commissioner Wichern motioned the following. It was seconded by Commissioner McCormick:


1.       Forward a positive recommendation to the County Commission. Before consideration by the County Commission, the owner will voluntarily enter into a development agreement with the County; that development agreement will include provisions listed below:


a.       That the concept plan includes the appropriate width of right-of-way for 1600 South at 66’ and 4300 West at 80’

b.       The concept plan shall display that 1700 South Street continues through adjacent developments eastward

c.       That the concept plan includes a 30’ pathway southward from the corner of 4400 West and 1700 South.

d.       The number of lots shall not exceed the gross area divided by a 1/3 acre (minimum lot size for a ‘Medium-size’ lot).

e.       The development agreement will specify that the zoning will govern the allowed uses, except that uses that require a one-half acre of land or more shall not be permitted.

f.         The final layout of streets and infrastructure shall conform to the County Commission-approved concept plan.

g.       The streets shall be lined with trees, spaced at a distance so that, at maturity, their canopies touch. The trees shall be of a species that are deep-rooting and have a high likelihood of survival, given the unique characteristics of the soils.

h.       The park strips shall have six-inch angular rock.

i.         Multiple elements of water-conserving landscape plans, designed by a licensed landscape architect, are implemented for all lots within the development.

j.         There shall be a $2000.00 per lot minimum contribution or in kind or as agreed by the parks district and developer.

k.       That Dark Sky lighting is installed, dark sky compatible lighting 

l.         1600 S to extend to the far west edge of the development.

This recommendation comes with the following findings:

1.       The proposal implements certain goals and policies of the West Central Weber General Plan.

2.       The development is not detrimental to the overall health, safety, and welfare of the community.

Felix Lleverino - 3/2/2023

The Smart Fields rezone request will be scheduled for a public hearing on the Western Weber Planning Commission agenda. Smart Fields Rezone Notice of Public Hearing_2.pdf 

Felix Lleverino - 2/28/2023

This request for a rezone is scheduled on the Western Weber Planning Commission public hearing agenda to be held on March 14th, 2023 in the Weber County Commission Chambers, 2380 Washington Blvd. The meeting starts at 5:00 pm.

Felix Lleverino

Weber County Planning Division


Pat Burns - 2/20/2023


What other documents do you need? I assume we will be on the March Planning Commission correct? Thank you.


Pat Burns - 1/30/2023

Hi Steve. I was informed that the application fee has been paid. Thank you.

Steve Burton - 1/12/2023

When the fee is paid, please email me at, so that this application status can be changed to 'accepted'. 


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

Planning Division approval


Weber County Planning Felix Lleverino 6/7/2024
Planning Division Review

Not Approved

Weber County Planning Felix Lleverino 2/28/2023


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
Marta Borchert 1/5/2023
Pat Burns 1/5/2023
Steve Burton 1/5/2023
chris cave 4/5/2023
Mandy Madrid 11/22/2023
John Newhall 5/3/2023


List of all invoices tied to project.

15695 Paid 685.00 Receipt