Bright Acres Subdivision

5638 N 3100 E, Liberty, UT, 84310
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Bright Acres Subdivision - a four residential lot subdivision on a 14 acre parcel in Liberty, Utah. The approval for access to lots 3 and 4 via a private access easement is found in AAE 2021-10 Staff Report in file AAE 2021-02. Culinary and secondary water for the subdivision to be provided via two wells that have been drilled, tested, and approved by Weber-Morgan Health Department.

Property Address
5638 N 3100 E
Liberty, UT, 84310

Property Owner
Scott Hale



Bright Acres
Average of 3.5 Acres per lot
Health Department (Well)
Not Applicable
Health Department (Septic)
2995 E 5750 N, LIBERTY UT 84310 and 5627 N 3100 E, LIBERTY UT 84310
Owner, Scott Hale

Parcel Number
222800001 - County Map
220040174 - County Map
220040173 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Annexation Plat
Cost Estimate
Culinary Water Will-Serve
Engineered Plans
Final Recorded Plat
Geologic Hazards Evaluation
Original Liberty 14.02 Acre Subdivision GCS Report.pdf 3/10/2022
Geotechnical Evaluation
Notice of Decision
Original Notice of decision_AAE 2021-10.pdf 3/16/2022
Original Notice of decision_AAE 2021-06.pdf 3/16/2022
Open Space Preservation Plan
Preapplication Meeting Notes
Original Bright Acres Subdivision Planning Meeting Notes.pdf 3/16/2022
Proposed Final Plat
Revision Bright Acres Sub FINAL Plat 2022_09-12.pdf 9/12/2022
Revision Bright Acres Sub FINAL Plat 2022_08-01.pdf 8/24/2022
Revision Bright Acres Sub Prelim Plat 2022_07-26.pdf 7/26/2022
Revision Bright Acres Sub Plat 2022_07-12.pdf 7/18/2022
Original Bright Acres Sub Prelim Plat 2022_03-04.pdf 3/10/2022
Proposed Preliminary Plan
Public Street Connectivity Plan
Original Bright Acres Subdivision Connectivity Plan.pdf 3/16/2022
Response to Review Agencies
Revision Bright Acres Subdivision Engineering Review Responses (9.12.2022).pdf 9/12/2022
Revision Private Drive Inspection Report.pdf 8/26/2022
Revision Response to Comments from Surveyor's Office.pdf 8/24/2022
Revision Bright Acres Subdivision Engineering Review Responses.pdf 7/27/2022
Revision Lot Averaging Subdivision Table.pdf 7/27/2022
Secondary Water Will-Serve
Septic Feasibility
Revision Bright Acres Sub Prelim.pdf 5/16/2022
Revision Bright Acres Sub Prelim.pdf 5/16/2022
Original Weber Morgan Health Dept Soil Evaluation MX-M363N_20210610_105945.pdf 3/10/2022
Sewer Will-Serve
Staff Report
Time Extension
Title Report
Original Bright Acres Title Report.pdf 3/16/2022
Traffic Study/Plan
Well Approval
Revision Morgan Health Department Prive Shared Well Approval for Lots 2, 3 and 4.pdf 4/3/2022
Revision Bright Acres Subdivision Culinary and Secondary Water Memo.pdf 4/3/2022
Revision Morgan Health Department Well Approval.pdf 3/17/2022
Uncategorized Documents
Review 20220405_ 2nd Submittal_Bright Acres_7N1E7NE.pdf 9/15/2022
Review 20220405_ UPDATE 1st Redline_Bright Acres_7N1E7NE.pdf 7/29/2022
Review 20220405_ 1ST Redline_Bright Acres_7N1E7NE.pdf 4/11/2022
Review 20210924 Review Checklist.pdf 4/11/2022


Have a question? Leave a comment, your comment will be emailed to all project followers.

Teisha Richins - 8/2/2022

Record of Survey filed 8/1/2022 

ROS # 7316

Marta Borchert - 4/4/2022

invoice created. Once the fee is paid the application can be accepted for review.

Marta Borchert - 3/16/2022

Please upload Culinary and secondary water feasibility letters.

feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.

Marta Borchert



To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.

List of All Reviews

Survey 2nd Review


Weber County Surveyor's Office Teisha Richins 9/15/2022
Engineering Review

Not Approved

Weber County Engineering Tucker Weight 8/29/2022
Survey and Addressing 1st Review UPDATE

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Teisha Richins 7/29/2022
Weber-Morgan Health Dept.


Craig Jorgensen 5/16/2022


Weber Fire District David Reed Weber Fire District 5/4/2022
Engineering Review

Not Approved

Weber County Engineering Tucker Weight 4/22/2022

Not Approved

Weber Fire District David Reed Weber Fire District 4/11/2022
1st Survey Review

Not Approved

Weber County Surveyor's Office Teisha Richins 4/11/2022


All followers will be notified of new documents, comments, and reviews to the project.

Name Date Added
Marta Borchert 3/16/2022
Steve Burton 3/16/2022
Steve Collier 4/4/2022
Scott Hale 3/9/2022
Aric Manning 4/4/2022
Chad Meyerhoffer 4/4/2022
Bahy Rahimzadegan 4/4/2022
Teisha Richins 4/4/2022
Karl Sewell 4/4/2022
David Reed Weber Fire District 4/4/2022
Tucker Weight 4/4/2022


List of all invoices tied to project.

13823 Paid 1450.00 Receipt

Area Fees

List of estimated fees for this project.

Estimated Fee Total: $0