3500 West Road Upgrade

3300 S 3500 W, West Haven, UT, 84401
Project Type:
Engineering Projects
Sub Type:
Engineering Projects
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This project consists of 2 phases: 1st phase 3500 S to Kanesville Elementary (3100 S), 2nd phase Kanesville Elementary scool to 12th Street

Property Address
3300 S 3500 W
West Haven, UT, 84401

Property Owner





Parcel Number

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Original 3500W_Progress_Update_-_August_12_2013_2.pdf 8/13/2013
Original letter_to_utility_companies.pdf 2/13/2013
Original Gardner_Bid.pdf 1/4/2013
Original Weber_County_3500_West_Project_App_Packet_2012.pdf 9/11/2012
Uncategorized Documents


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N/A - 12/30/2015
Phase 2 is out to bid, bid opening is February 3, 2015
N/A - 11/10/2015
Project is nearly complete. Walk Through is scheduled for Thursday 11-12-15 and the road is scheduled to be re-opened Monday 11-16-15
N/A - 6/10/2015
Bid Opening is today at 2:00
N/A - 12/2/2014
Right of Way on the East side of the road has been fully acquired. Notification was sent to Rocky Mountain Power.
N/A - 9/23/2014
Meeting has been set up with the surveyors office & Prevedel's for October 6th
N/A - 7/29/2014
Craig Brustle with Rocky Mountain Power called today to let me know he has his poles on site and is going to postpone his portion of the project. He asked me to keep him on posted and when the right of way gets acquired he will get his crew back on the schedule.
N/A - 7/16/2014
Phase 1: 3500 S to 3100 S has bid documents ready to go, CM on board and pre-qualified bidders. Waiting for the remaining parcels to be acquired. Currently working with legal on getting a Right to Occupy Agreement signed so work can begin while the acquisition is being worked out. Phase 2: Horrocks is completing the survey. They are working with the canal companies to coordinate the crossings. The railroad is currently planning to redo all the crossings in the area so Horrocks is working with them to get our design incorporated into the railroads design. Survey is still working on getting the parcels placed - 90-95% done. Paul Egbert with UDOT has been contacted and asked to do a signal study for the 1200 South intersection. The PI team will be finalizing details this week and get moving forward.
N/A - 6/6/2014
Contract Modification is on the Commission Agenda for June 10th. This will take the ROW Acquisition and Design all the way to 12th Street.
N/A - 2/21/2014
90% review meeting was held today
N/A - 12/6/2013
60% Review drawings were submitted today
N/A - 11/5/2013
30% Design Review meeting will be held 11-7-13
N/A - 10/22/2013
There will be a property owners meeting held October 29th at the elementary school for all the property owners
N/A - 10/7/2013
Craig with Rocky Mountain Power called me back this morning. He wants me to get a hold of him in January and he will extend the WO#
N/A - 10/3/2013
The successful respondent to the RFP for ROW Acquisition Services is Mulvey Enterprises. A scoping meeting will be held with them Oct 4th. I left a message for Craig at Rocky Mountain Power this morning to see when we could get together to discuss the project.
N/A - 7/15/2013
Design kickoff meeting has been scheduled for July 22nd
N/A - 5/17/2013
Design portion of this project has been awarded to Horrocks Engineering
N/A - 4/15/2013
RFP for the design was posted to Bid Sync Friday 4/12/13
N/A - 2/25/2013
I have spoken with Craig Bruestle at Rocky Mountain Power 801-629-4430, he will be the estimator I will be working with for this project. I have been given WO# 5753169 for project and have been instructed to Call Craig for a site meeting when I have design plans.
N/A - 2/13/2013
I call Kelly this morning to see what he was able to find out. He told me if he didn't receive a call by 2:30 that he would track down the owner's of the fiber and find out what is required for potholing. I emailed and mailed out a letter to the utility companies (letter is uploaded to Miradi) giving them a heads up about the project.
N/A - 2/11/2013
I called in a new blue stakes request today for the potholing on the 3300 South 3500 West intersection. C30420283 it will be done by 2-13-13 at 2:14pm and expires 2-25-13. Update needs to be called in by 2-21-13 Kelly is checking to see who, if anyone, needs to be present at the time of potholing fiber lines. He will get back to me then we'll schedule a new potholing day. It is tentatively set for 2-13 at 2:30pm, or 2-14 at 8:30am. Depends on who needs to present.
N/A - 2/5/2013
Potholing on the intersection of 3300 South and 3500 West will begin Thursday at 8:30
N/A - 1/31/2013
I updated blue stakes today. New ticket numbers are as follows: A30310155, A30310156, A30310158, A30310159, A30310162 which are good until February 5th
N/A - 1/22/2013
I called Blue Stakes this morning to get the second half of the project staked. They indicated it would be done on multiple tickets due to the length of the request.
N/A - 1/16/2013
Bill Lovelace Right of Way lead at UDOT Office: 801-965-4238 Fax: 801-965-3822 Cell: 801-556-4468 blovelace@utah.gov
N/A - 1/15/2013
I called Gardner and spoke to Travis about the blue staking. He said he didn't care about the cold and would like me to proceed with calling Blue Stakes. I called Blue Stakes today. Blue Staking will be done by 4:04pm on Thursday 1/17/13 and will need to be updated on 1/25/13 as long as the markings remain visible through the online request page. They will be staking 3500 West from 3550 S to 3100 S, the entire width of the road to 20' off the edge of oil and 50 each way on 3300 South street the entire width of the road to 20' off the edge of asphalt. Kelly is the field contact.
N/A - 1/14/2013
I called and spoke to Tyler about whether they really wanted blue stakes called today being as the weather is going to be so cold all week. He was going to call Travis, find out and let me know.
N/A - 1/4/2013
Gardner Engineering was notified today they were awarded the project. Kick off meeting with Travis, Gardner's surveyor, will be held Monday.
Jared Andersen - 9/11/2012
WACOG approved $105,000 CP and $3,495,000 ST for the 3500 West Project. I talked with Doug Larsen today about what the next steps are. CP funds will be regulated through UDOT. The contact is Bill Lovelace, his contact information is blovelace@utah.gov 801-965-4238, cell 801-556-4468. Once Doug gets approval through the Weber County Commission, we will move forward with the project.


To access review documents, click on the individual review and the corresponding review documents will be listed under the review.


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Name Date Added
Jared Andersen 1/1/0001
Michael Tuttle 1/1/0001