Geertson Bay Pathway

1900 North @ Geertson Bay, , UT,
Project Type:
Engineering Projects
Sub Type:
Engineering Projects
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Project Manager


The purpose of this project was to extend the 2 culverts that run under 1900 North to the South and construct a 12 foot pathway along the South side of the road to connect with the existing pathway on both ends. This project is being funded by Weber Pathways, Weber County and Utah Trails.

Property Address
1900 North @ Geertson Bay
, UT,

Property Owner





Parcel Number

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


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N/A - 6/25/2012
The clerk's office received the check from State Trails today.
N/A - 6/19/2012
I received an email to day from State Trails letting me know they sent the check out today. Once we receive this check, I believe this project is officially closed.
N/A - 5/22/2012
I met with Chris Haller on site today, he did his site inspection of the project and reviewed with me what paperwork he needs from me. I will be finishing up the final paperwork and email it to him for his approval and reimbursement.
N/A - 5/15/2012
I think I've got all the paperwork rounded up that Chris Haller needs, I will verify with him when we have our on site visit on May 22nd.
N/A - 5/1/2012
I'm meeting with Meg at her office Wednesday May 2nd to go over the required paperwork I received from Chris Haller.
N/A - 4/23/2012
I've contacted Chris Haller to find out what he needs from me so we can receive our reimbursement for the pathway. He is checking and will get back to me, but he did say that he needs to schedule a onsite inspection with me.
N/A - 4/19/2012
I received the letter of completion from Weber Pathways in order to make application to the State Trails for our approved funding.
N/A - 3/22/2012
I spoke to Nate this afternoon, he needs a letter from Weber Pathways stating they the project is complete and they are satisfied with the work, then he will make application to the State Trail for reimbursement. He also determined that Weber Pathways has not yet paid for their portion in this project. I've updated Meg on this information.
N/A - 3/21/2012
I received an update from Nate today as to the status of the No Parking Ordinance. He has had our attorney's review it and it is now in the hands of the Sheriff's office attorney's for their approval. It will be on the County Commission agenda soon. I updated Commissioner Zogmaister, Rob Scott & Meg Krusemark as to the status as well. I'm trying to find out if we have invoiced the State Trails and if Weber Pathways has paid us for their portions of the pathway so we can close this project. I'm waiting on a response from Nate on the money.
N/A - 2/29/2012
The no parking signs have been installed. It's been determined that an ordinance needs to be written and passed in order to enforce the no parking signs. I will be preparing the document for Nate to take to the Commission
N/A - 12/7/2011
To date there is one item remaining on the change order, the no parking signs.
N/A - 9/27/2011
Change Order No. 1 has been approved by Weber Pathways, signed by Engineering and forwarded to the contractor. Also, approval for payment on invoice no 2 was submitted to accounts payable today.
N/A - 9/2/2011
This project was started prior to Miradi. A design was prepared and the project was put out to bid January 2011 as a 2 phase project. Phase 1 being the extension of the culvert pipes prior to run-off season and the irrigation water being turned out to the ditches. Phase 2 being the construction of the pathway. S & S Excavating was awarded the bid and completed both phases. When the project was nearly completed Weber Pathways expressed concern about people driving their cars on the pathway and asked if we could have the contractor install some sort of barrier to prevent that. I asked for a written request so I could initiate a change order. As part of that change order we will be asking the contractor to stabilize the slope between the road and the pathway. As of 9-02-2011, I am waiting for the letter from Weber Pathways.


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