Mr. Craig Galloway

1397 West 3300 Southy, Ogden, UT, 84401
Project Type:
Zoning Violations
Sub Type:
Zoning Violations
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This has been  long standing violations with Mr. Galloway, In 2007 he was sited for junk, no business license, no land use no Design review for Conditional Use, His Conditional Use was approved in 2008 conditioed apon all junk including inoperable or abandoned vehicles, parts and any other waste materials to be removed, and the horse. 2009 Mr. Galloway still had not removed the junk and cleaned up the property in the front, behind the property he had made a good effort but the back still had a lot of junk and left over parts for his business and equipment storage yard. He was working slowley toward compliance. in 2010 he decided to change his site plan and did not come in to amend the Conditional use. I asked him to redo his site plan and bring in a new one so we could ajust the conditional use. He still had inoperable and abandoned vehicles in the front. This he did do toward the end of 2010. In 2011 he still had not removed the inoperable and abandoned vehicles from his property. In September 2011 he applied for a business license which could not be issued because of the existing violations, and at that time Assistant Director Jim Gentry Senior Planner Mr. Sean Wilkinson and Code Enforcement Officer Iris Hennon did a site visit and discussed the issues on the property. A letter was sent to Mr.Galloway explaining that there was several issues still pending on his property and he would need to remove them before we could move forward with his site plan, and business license. This he declined to do. In Feburay of 2012 Mr Galloway again tried to obtain a bsiness license and it was decided to have a meeting with Mr. Galloway. Staff attending this meeting was Mr.Galloway, Assistant Director Jim Gentry, Senior Planner Mr. Sean Wilkinson, Planner 1 Justin Morris, and Code enforcement Officer Iris Hennon the following items were discussed and needed to be addressed prior to any permits being issued.

The construction trailer needed to be licensed and a copy provided,

The four foot fence can be installed in the front of the trailer to meet the approved site plan. It was determined that if this was com,pleted then Mr. Galloway would not have to go to the planning Commission.

A new site plan clearly showing the location of all signs and sizes needed in order to verify setbacks and total signage

All employees parking is to be outside of the 30 foot front yard setback

All display equipment needs to be outside the 30 foot front yard setback.

Remove all junk, debris, and unlicensed vehicles to an area behind the house and trailer

The trailer does not need footings or foundation as long as it is located behind the fence and is not being used as an office other than at the construction job site

Contact the Counbty to verify all items have been completed.

As of May 9 2013 these items have not been taken care off, he also added moving signs which are prohibited signs.

May 9 2013 Mr Gllowaycame into the office to ask about a permit he had requested to build a pool, I looked at his application for the first time and noticed that he had an out of town business license so the Code Enforcement Officer called Box Elder County where the license was issued  she was informed that he had applied in August 2012 and terminated in November 2012 and he haad not attempted to reapply the Clark Diane from Box Elder informed me that she has a phone conversation the prior week to tell him that if he wanted to reapply he could.  i informed him of the conversation and he raised his voice and called me a liar I tried to explain things to him that there was a list that he had to comply with and gave him a copy and invited him to show me that the list was taken care of. he got angry and started raising his voice and saying that it was all done I tried to go through the list and he scribbled on his copy and circled things that he had taken care of then he got really angry and stormed out of the office. I called Box Elder again andl left a message asking if she would send me a copy of his license. Diane called me back a few minutes latter and said he was in her office right now. He paid for another application for a business license and was informed it would take untill the 15th of May before the Commissoners would sign it because they only come in every other week.

I talked to Assistant Director Jim Gentry about my encounter and he thought that he should not be given any permits prior to all the issues being addressed he also asked me to talk to the Business License Director for his thoughts and then run it by the legal department. I talked to Director Andersen and he thought that Mr. Galloway was trying to circumvent the system and as he still had some outstanding violations that he had not taken care off he would not be issued a permit to build a pool that he had to come incompliance will all county codes and be issued a license before he could do business in Weber County. Talked to Deputy Attorney Jeff Thompson and he concurred to both the the Assistant Director and the Director that the permit should not be issued before he came into compliance and if he should do so the County would prosecute him. I have left a comment in the pool application that Mr. Galloway should not be issued a permit at this time and am sending a notice to Mr. Galloway that the County would not be issuing him a permit and that he is to come into compliance and then obtain a license from Weber County. I also included that the County would not be honoring an out of jurisdiction Business License.         

Property Address
1397 West 3300 Southy
Ogden, UT, 84401

Property Owner





Parcel Number
080020009 - County Map

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

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Iris Hennon - 5/13/2013
May 13, Mr Galloway came into the office to speck with Director Rob Scott this afternoon.


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Iris Hennon 1/1/0001