Storm Sewer Service Fee

, , UT,
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Engineering Projects
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Work to get the storm sewer service fee adopted as outlined in the Storm Drainage Ordinance. We are trying to get this on the tax notice for this year.

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, UT,

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Michael Tuttle - 8/30/2013
In talking to Dave Wilson today, 8/30/2013, he told me that there is nothing in the code that addresses if a Title D Special District and collect anything on the tax notice. A Title B district is only allowed to collect delinquencies on the taxes. He let me know that Summit County is being sued over some several thing including some fees and it sounds like the Judge is going to rule against the County. He is still waiting on a call back from the Summit County Attorney.
Michael Tuttle - 8/20/2013
Jared, John Bond, Dave Wilson and I all met on 8/20/2013 to discuss the formation of a Special Service District for the collection of the Storm Sewer Service Fee. Dave does not believe that forming a district just for collection is a wise move. He says that it's policy decision, that would need to be made by the county commission. He would be fine meeting with us and our liaison commissioner. Dave did bring up the concern that the special service district may not even be able to put this on the tax notice. He said that he would have Monette look into it. If we are not legally able to put it on the tax notice, then there is not a very compelling reason to do the Special Service District. John Bond stated that if it can't go on the tax notice that he may have to have a conversation with Scott Fletcher at Bonneville Collections and persuade them to help us in our collection efforts. There was discussion about hiring a company to do the collections and billing for the fee. I was tasked to find out about that. I have e-mailed Annette Jacobs to try and find out about getting an RFP out for the services.
Michael Tuttle - 8/6/2013
I talked to Dan Olsen the morning of 8/1/2013. He was going to talk to John Bond about setting up a collection box at the bank and have the bank process all the checks. I was supposed to meet with Bruce Thorpe about the computer system and how we are going to tie everything in. Dan did recommend having separate people do entering the receipt and someone else do the deposit. Angela and I talked to Bruce the afternoon of 8/1/2013. Bruce is thinking that a completely separate program from the current receipting system should be used. Then there could be one transaction into the current receipting system so that we can do the deposit. John Bond came down the morning of 8/6 and was still pushing for doing a district. He recommends getting the district formed, then send out the letters, so that the delinquent letters could be transfered over to the tax notice the following year. He would like to meet with Dave Wilson along with me and Jared. Jared wants to start getting some research done for stormwater districts e.g. laws, bylaws, figure out if the board can always be appointed, or if it turns into an election after the initial appointment.
Michael Tuttle - 7/31/2013
I just talked to John Bond. He recommended that we stagger the billings, and possibly only send out 500/week. That way the 6500+ bills would be going out in just over 3.5 months. This would make for a reasonable amount of phone calls and possibly easier to do processing. He also recommended that we talk to Dan Olsen about getting a system set up that would make it easy for them to Audit. He recommended having only specific people handle the money, and other people post the deposits.
Michael Tuttle - 4/18/2013
Jared and I met with Todd Godfrey about the Storm Sewer Service Fee today. He's going to look into a couple things such as, does the fee fall under the UAC R746-200 as a Sewer Utility? If this fee does fall under R746-200, then he's going to see if it would be more beneficial to create a service district so that we could collect this on the tax notice, so that we don't have to bill it out every 2 months. He also stated that these types of utilities are billed for past months. He would recommend that we apply this bill to the property until, but he's going to look and see if he can find anything that states that it's supposed to be billed to the occupant. He said it would be
Michael Tuttle - 1/30/2013
I talked to Greg Seegmiller today about the shape files that they generated, and the spreadsheet that they made showing the costs to each of the commercial properties which was added to the residential costs. They are going to be doing some QC on the shape files. They will fixing the areas that go to the parcel lines which aren't very accurate. It appeared that their spreadsheet was incorrect. They forgot to multiply the residential units by the number of months. Which put their total off by about $359,000 for a $5/month fee. I am also going to change the ESU rounding from the ROUND() function to the FLOOR() function, which is just rounding down. This currently reduces the the amount by only $1710, but it will be nice to be able to tell people that we are rounding their ESUs down. We still need to figure out what we need to do about areas that are condominium plats. Do we bill them all individually or do we need to bill the HOA? Is there an HOA? How many condominium plats are there in the unincorporated area. The one I saw was in the industrial park, approx 2147 N Rulon White Blvd.
Michael Tuttle - 9/6/2012
I talked to Shelly Halacy, and she is going to put the ordinance on the commission agenda next week for the Second Reading.
Michael Tuttle - 8/31/2012
I talked to Paul Taylor with JUB, and he said that either he or Greg would be available to come and help present at the commission meeting if the commission had any questions about the study that was done.
Michael Tuttle - 8/31/2012
I talked to John Bond on the phone. He said that there is no problems getting a reduction in the fees after they are sent out. He would just like a letter from us telling him what the reduction is for what parcel. He said that they can reduce it before they pay, or if they have overpaid, then they would be able to cut a check.
Michael Tuttle - 8/22/2012
I talked to Dave Wilson about the Storm Sewer Service Fee. He said that he'd look into the process to adopt a fee like that. I let him know that we needed to have everything done by the end of September including any notices and public hearings, so that we could get it on the Tax notice. He told me to give him a call back next monday afternoon if I hadn't heard from him before that.
Michael Tuttle - 8/22/2012
Jared and I talked to the Commissioner Gibson about getting the storm sewer service fee added to the tax notice. Commissioner Gibson agreed that it would be a good idea to keep the administration fees down. Jared e-mailed the other commissioners, and Commissioner Zogmaister agreed via e-mail that the tax notice would be a good way to go as well. We talked to Commissioner Dearden this morning in our office, and he was alright with putting it on the tax notice, too.


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Name Date Added
Jared Andersen 1/1/0001
Michael Tuttle 1/1/0001