SR-158 Improvements

2200 N Hwy 162, Eden, UT, 84310
Project Type:
Engineering Projects
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Engineering Projects
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This is a project to create turn lanes in a couple areas, re-align the old post road (2000 N) Y-intersection, work on the ROW ownership problems, overlay the road.  This is being done with a federal grant. The matching funds are being provided by UDOT.

Property Address
2200 N Hwy 162
Eden, UT, 84310

Property Owner





Parcel Number

Building Description Square Feet Valuation

Contractor Type Name Contact Address


List of project documents. Review documents can be found under the Review tab.

Document Name Date Uploaded
Original Stormwater_Construction_Activity_Permit.pdf 7/31/2012
Uncategorized Documents


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Michael Tuttle - 11/16/2012
I e-mailed the wetland mitigation monitoring and reporting proposals to Ryan Halverson with UDOT, so that I could get some information from him on if there is anything else that we may need the consultant to do.
Michael Tuttle - 10/16/2012
I called and talked to Nathan Peterson. He said that there is plenty in contingency to cover the utility conflict change order. He also stated that it was his understanding that the State was going to pick up any overages in this project, but he was going to try and verify that information.
Michael Tuttle - 10/10/2012
Met with one of the guys from Stanley at Willow Brook lane again. I let them know that they need to expose the south side of the pipe as well. I told him that they didn't need to clean out the pipe, and that we would do that, but the pipe ends would need to be cleaned out.
Michael Tuttle - 8/24/2012
Chad and I met with two Stanley employees, and the contractor (Skyview Excavation) about the culvert at Willow Brook Lane. They are going to uncover the pipes ends. They may wait until they come back to the area and do the shoulder dressing, which may be a few weeks.
Michael Tuttle - 8/13/2012
Rick Nelson called about some drainage issues. We are meeting tomorrow, Tuesday August 14, 2012, with Jay from Civil Science to come up with a few ideas on what to do. I believe that Rick said it was at the corner of Elkhorn and SR-158.
Michael Tuttle - 7/30/2012
Hollis Jenks is out of town until August 6th. I just talked with Kathleen, the receptionist, at the Army Corps, and she said that the Branch Chief wanted to review that permit before they signed it and sent it out. She said that he, the Branch Chief, has it on his desk to review, and hopefully that will be signed and e-mailed to us today. I still haven't seen the revised SWPPP, nor an application for the Stormwater Construction Activity Permit.
Michael Tuttle - 7/20/2012
Hollis Jenks called and said the Permit should be ready Monday morning. His boss is out of the office today, Friday July 20, so he obviously can't sign it today. However the permit, with all the special conditions, is almost complete. He said that he would e-mail a PDF to me, Ryan, and Nathan.
Michael Tuttle - 7/18/2012
Fatima called me and said Dave Wilson wants to have the item on the Commission consent agenda. I called and talked to Shelly Halacy and told her to go ahead and put it on the commission agenda. It looks like it will be one the agenda for July 31, 2012, since there is no agenda meeting on July 24th.
Michael Tuttle - 7/18/2012
I just took the contract extension for Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB America) up to the Commission office to get it on the agenda. Fatima is going to try and get a hold of Dave Wilson, to see if this is really some the County Commission needs to sign since there is no additional money for the project. If it doesn't need to go to the County Commission, then we'll have Jared sign it and move it along.
Michael Tuttle - 7/17/2012
I just talked to Nathan about the Stanley Pay Request #3 for June. He said that they had come up and met with Rocky Mountain Power. They wanted to get and early start on the project. The were also fielding a bunch of the questions from the contractors as it was out to bid. Those items where where most of those hours came from.
Michael Tuttle - 6/21/2012
The revised wetland mitigation report and permit was delivered to the Corps yesterday, June 21, 2012.
Michael Tuttle - 6/20/2012
The bids came in on the project yesterday, 6/19/2012. It appears that Skyview Excavation was the low bidder. It does not appear that we will be able to afford any of the additive bids. I have sent an e-mail to Nathan Peterson concerning what happens if there is a change order and we end up going over the budgeted amount. I would like to know who is going to be paying for any changes of that nature.
Michael Tuttle - 6/13/2012
The contract for the PI group was approved by the County Commission yesterday, 6/12/2012.
Michael Tuttle - 6/7/2012
The contract for the PI, Intrepid Group, is up in the commission office, and should be on the agenda for 6/12/2012.
Michael Tuttle - 4/12/2012
I called and talked to John Derinzy about the mitigation report. He said that he hasn’t seen the actual application yet. I let him know that we hand delivered it a couple weeks ago. He said that he’d try to hunt it down, and try to get back in touch with me next week. He said that Hal Jenks is the new project manager over Weber County, and that he might have been given the application, but that he (John) will likely be finishing out this project. He also reiterated that after a preliminary look he thinks the money for Ogden is a little low, and that they were going to do an assessment in their office to see what the amount should be.


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Name Date Added
Michael Tuttle 1/1/0001